
check; examine


  • check
  • examine
  • to check
  • to examine
  • to inspect
  • to exercise restraint


產前查 chǎn qián jiǎn chá prenatal examination; antenatal examination
chǎn jiǎn abbr. for 產前檢查|产前检查[chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2]
突擊查 tū jī jiǎn chá sudden unannounced investigation; on-the-spot inspection; to search without notification
筆劃字表 bǐ huà jiǎn zì biǎo lookup table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke count
shāi jiǎn screening (medicine)
紀律查委員會 jì lǜ jiǎn chá wěi yuán huì Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CCP
jì jiǎn disciplinary inspection; to inspect another's discipline
結腸鏡查 jié cháng jìng jiǎn chá colonoscopy
fān jiǎn to rummage; to look through; to leaf through
zì jiǎn to act with self-restraint; to examine oneself; to perform a self-test
yào jiǎn drugs test (e.g. on athletes)
zhì jiǎn quarantine; quality inspection
局 zhì jiǎn jú quarantine bureau; quality inspection office
質量查 zhì liàng jiǎn chá quality inspection
超聲波查 chāo shēng bō jiǎn chá echography; ultrasound scan
身體查 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]
biān jiǎn border inspection; immigration inspection
醫學驗 yī xué jiǎn yàn medical laboratory technology
醫學驗師 yī xué jiǎn yàn shī medical technologist
體格查 tǐ gé jiǎn chá physical examination; clinical examination; health checkup
tǐ jiǎn abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]
體溫測儀 tǐ wēn jiǎn cè yí infrared body thermometer; temperature gun
diǎn jiǎn to inspect one by one; to list individually
查點 jiǎn chá diǎn checkpoint; inspection point