
across, horizontal, lateral


橫 héng
  • horizontal
  • across
  • crosswise
  • horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters)
  • to place (sth) flat (on a surface)
  • to cross (a river, etc)
  • in a jumble
  • chaotic
  • (in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable
  • violent
橫 hèng
  • harsh and unreasonable
  • unexpected


人行道 rén xíng héng dào pedestrian crossing
人行道線 rén xíng héng dào xiàn crosswalk; pedestrian crossing with zebra stripes
合縱連 hé zòng lián héng Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)
妙語生 miào yǔ héng shēng to be full of wit and humor
妙趣生 miào qù héng shēng endlessly interesting (idiom); very witty
zhuān hèng imperious; peremptory
qiáng hèng surly and unreasoning; bullying; tyrannical
才華溢 cái huá héng yì brimming over with talent (esp. literary); brilliant
炮 dǎ héng pào to butt in; to interfere; to make things difficult
枝節生 zhī jié héng shēng side issues keep arising (idiom)
七豎八 héng qī shù bā in disorder; at sixes and sevens (idiom)
三豎四 héng sān shù sì in disorder; in a tremendous mess
刀奪愛 héng dāo duó ài to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)
切 héng qiē to cut across; a horizontal cut
剖面 héng pōu miàn horizontal section
加 héng jiā violently; flagrantly
加指責 héng jiā zhǐ zé to blame unscrupulously
匾 héng biǎn horizontal tablet (for an inscription)
向 héng xiàng horizontal; orthogonal; perpendicular; lateral; crosswise
屍遍野 héng shī biàn yě corpses strew the field; deadly (conflict)
山 héng shān Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi; Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan; Yokoyama (Japanese surname)
山縣 héng shān xiàn Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi
山鄉 héng shān xiāng Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
峰 héng fēng Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
峰縣 héng fēng xiàn Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
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