tuó luò

a sack, a bag opening at both ends



橐 tuó
  • sack
  • tube open at both ends
  • (onom.) footsteps


橐 stroke order diagram
橐 stroke order animation


簪笔 chí tuó zān bǐ to serve as a counselor (idiom)
簪筆 chí tuó zān bǐ to serve as a counselor (idiom)
中装 tuó zhōng zhuāng gems; jewels; valuables
中裝 tuó zhōng zhuāng gems; jewels; valuables
囊 tuó náng sacks; bags
tuó tuó (onom.) footsteps
笥 tuó sì bag; satchel
笔 tuó bǐ to make one's living by writing
筆 tuó bǐ to make one's living by writing
驼 tuó tuó camel; hunchback
駝 tuó tuó camel; hunchback
龠 tuó yuè bellows for blowing up the fire in a furnace etc
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