
tree; plant; set up, establish


  • tree
  • plant
  • set up, establish
  • tree
  • CL:棵[ke1]
  • to cultivate
  • to set up


七葉 qī yè shù Chinese horse chestnut (Aesculus chinensis)
不要在一棵上吊死 bù yào zài yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom); there's more than one way to skin a cat
二叉 èr chā shù binary tree
五倍子 wǔ bèi zi shù Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis)
休氏鶯 xiū shì shù yīng (bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens)
全民義務植日 quán mín yì wù zhí shù rì National Tree Planting Day (March 12th), as known as Arbor Day 植樹節|植树节[Zhi2 shu4 jie2]
冬青 dōng qīng shù holly
一幟 bié shù yī zhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own
一旗 bié shù yī qí lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own
前人栽,後人乘涼 qián rén zāi shù , hòu rén chéng liáng to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)
十年木,百年人 shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to develop.
古柯 gǔ kē shù coca plant (source of cocaine)
只見木不見森林 zhǐ jiàn shù mù bù jiàn sēn lín unable to see the wood for the trees; fig. only able to see isolated details, and not the bigger picture
人 zhōu shù rén Zhou Shuren, the real name of author Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅
國槐 guó huái shù locust tree (Sophora japonica)
塔尾鵲 tǎ wěi shù què (bird species of China) ratchet-tailed treepie (Temnurus temnurus)
木 duō shù mù wooded
dà shù Tashu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
底下好乘涼 dà shù dǐ xià hǎo chéng liáng lit. under a big tree the shade is plentiful (idiom); fig. to benefit by proximity to an influential person
菠蘿 dà shù bō luó jackfruit
鄉 dà shù xiāng Tashu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
鶯 dà shù yīng (bird species of China) chestnut-crowned bush warbler (Cettia major)
家族 jiā zú shù a family tree
寬尾鶯 kuān wěi shù yīng (bird species of China) Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti)
xiǎo shù shrub; small tree; sapling; CL:棵[ke1]
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