
building of two or more stories


樓 lóu
  • surname Lou
  • house with more than 1 story
  • storied building
  • floor
  • CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]


shàng lóu to go upstairs
世貿中心大 shì mào zhōng xīn dà lóu World Trade Center (the twin towers destroyed by the 9-11 terrorists)
zhǔ lóu main building
五角大 wǔ jiǎo dà lóu the Pentagon
亭臺榭 tíng tái lóu xiè see 亭臺樓閣|亭台楼阁[ting2 tai2 lou2 ge2]
亭臺閣 tíng tái lóu gé pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gardens)
人去空 rén qù lóu kōng the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom); the sight of a deserted place brings old friends to mind; the place is deserted; the birds have flown
住宅 zhù zhái lóu residential building; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
候機 hòu jī lóu airport terminal
公寓大 gōng yù dà lóu apartment building
公寓 gōng yù lóu apartment building; CL:座[zuo4]
子 chū lóu zi variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5]
wēi lóu dangerous housing; building that is about to collapse
diào lóu a building supported on pillars projecting over a river; a mountain hut supported on pillars
táng lóu tenement building, typically of 2-4 stories, with a shop on the ground floor and upper floors used for residential purposes (esp. in southern China)
tǔ lóu traditional Hakka communal residence in Fujian, typically a large multi-story circular structure built around a central shrine
chéng lóu city gate tower
tǎ lóu tower (of building)
zhuì lóu to fall off or jump off a building
duò lóu to jump to one's death
dà lóu building (a relatively large, multi-storey one); CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]
宿舍 sù shè lóu dormitory building; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]
寫字 xiě zì lóu office building
céng lóu multistoried building; tower; pagoda
岳陽 yuè yáng lóu Yueyang Tower, famous beauty spot in Yueyang, north Hunan, overlooking Dongting Lake 洞庭湖[Dong4 ting2 Hu2]; one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓|黄鹤楼[Huang2 he4 Lou2] in Wuhan, Hubei and Tengwang Tower 滕王閣|滕王阁[Teng2 wang2 Ge2] in Nanchang, Jiangxi
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