
happy, glad; enjoyable; music


樂 lè
  • surname Le
  • happy
  • cheerful
  • to laugh
樂 yuè
  • surname Yue
  • music


蟹 hé lè xiè Hele crab
āi yuè funeral music; plaint; dirge
唐恩都 táng ēn dōu lè Dunkin' Donuts
喜怒哀 xǐ nù āi lè four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huan1 xi3], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4], sorrow 悲哀[bei1 ai1] and joy 快樂|快乐[kuai4 le4]
xǐ lè joy
喜聞見 xǐ wén lè jiàn to love to hear and see (idiom); well received; to one's liking
qì yuè instrumental music
guó yuè national music; Chinese traditional music
國際米蘭足球俱部 guó jì mǐ lán zú qiú jù lè bù FC Internazionale Milano (football club)
天倫之 tiān lún zhī lè family love and joy; domestic bliss
zòu yuè to perform music; to play a tune
yú lè to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy
中心 yú lè zhōng xīn amusement park; recreation center; entertainment center
場 yú lè chǎng place of entertainment; casino; resort
場所 yú lè chǎng suǒ place of entertainment
界 yú lè jiè entertainment world; show business
安居業 ān jū lè yè to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
ān lè Anle district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan; peace and happiness
區 ān lè qū Anle district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan
死 ān lè sǐ euthanasia
窩 ān lè wō comfortable niche
安貧道 ān pín lè dào to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom)
室內 shì nèi yuè chamber music
yàn lè peace and happiness; feasting; making merry
氏 jiā lè shì Kellogg's (US food manufacturing company)