


  • palm
  • palm tree


榈 stroke order diagram
榈 stroke order animation


zōng lǘ palm tree
油 zōng lǘ yóu palm oil
属 zōng lǘ shǔ palm tree genus (Areca spp.)
树 zōng lǘ shù palm tree
科 zōng lǘ kē Arecaceae or Palmae, the palm family
锯棕 jù zōng lǘ saw palmetto (Serenoa repens, a small palm, an extract of whose fruit is used medicinally)
阴道棕状壁 yīn dào zōng lǘ zhuàng bì palmate folds of cervical canal; plicae palmatae canalis cervicis uteri
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