profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


制造 zhì zào yè manufacturing industry
fù yè sideline; side occupation
chuàng yè to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship
投資 chuàng yè tóu zī venture capital
板上市 chuàng yè bǎn shàng shì Growth Enterprise Markets (GEM)
精神 chuàng yè jīng shén enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit
者 chuàng yè zhě entrepreneur
gōng yè achievement; outstanding work; glorious deed
xūn yè meritorious achievement
勤儉辦企 qín jiǎn bàn qǐ yè to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily
化學工 huà xué gōng yè chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[hua4 gong1]
北京工大學 běi jīng gōng yè dà xué Beijing University of Technology
北京林大學 běi jīng lín yè dà xué Beijing Forestry University
北方工 běi fāng gōng yè Norinco, PRC state-run conglomerate
財經集團 huì yè cái jīng jí tuán Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)
銀行 huì yè yín háng Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau
半失 bàn shī yè semi-employed; partly employed; underemployed
zú yè to complete a course of study (old); to graduate
南京農大學 nán jīng nóng yè dà xué Nanjing Agricultural University
印刷 yìn shuā yè typography; printing business
shòu yè to study; to learn from a master; (pupil's first person pronoun) I, your student
各行各 gè háng gè yè every trade; all professions; all walks of life
合肥工大學 hé féi gōng yè dà xué Hefei University of Technology
tóng yè same trade or business; person in the same trade or business
公會 tóng yè gōng huì trade association