profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


七大工國集團 qī dà gōng yè guó jí tuán G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)
三資企 sān zī qǐ yè foreign, private and joint ventures
上海汽車工 shàng hǎi qì chē gōng yè Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)
上海汽車工集團 shàng hǎi qì chē gōng yè jí tuán Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)
不務正 bù wù zhèng yè not to engage in honest work; to ignore one's proper occupation; not to attend to one's proper duties
中企 zhōng qǐ yè medium sized enterprise
中國北方工公司 zhōng guó běi fāng gōng yè gōng sī China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)
中國石油和化學工協會 zhōng guó shí yóu hé huà xué gōng yè xié huì China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)
中國航天工公司 zhōng guó háng tiān gōng yè gōng sī China Aerospace Corporation, forerunner of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 中國航天科技集團公司|中国航天科技集团公司
中國航空工公司 zhōng guó háng kōng gōng yè gōng sī Aviation Industries of China (AVIC)
中國船舶工集團 zhōng guó chuán bó gōng yè jí tuán China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)
中國農銀行 zhōng guó nóng yè yín háng Agricultural Bank of China
中國銀行監督管理委員會 zhōng guó yín háng yè jiān dū guǎn lǐ wěi yuán huì China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
中國長城工公司 zhōng guó cháng chéng gōng yè gōng sī China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC)
中小企 zhōng xiǎo qǐ yè small and medium enterprise
中小型企 zhōng xiǎo xíng qǐ yè small or medium size enterprise (SME)
中等專學校 zhōng děng zhuān yè xué xiào specialized middle school
中等專教育 zhōng děng zhuān yè jiào yù technical middle school education
zhǔ yè main business
shì yè undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4]
心 shì yè xīn devotion to one's work; professional ambition
有成 shì yè yǒu chéng to be successful in business; professional success
線 shì yè xiàn (slang) cleavage; (palmistry) business line
qǐ yè company; firm; enterprise; corporation; CL:家[jia1]
主 qǐ yè zhǔ owner of enterprise
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