HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 859th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.9) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2864 |
name of feudal state; clear
楚 chǔ |

清楚 qīng chu | clear; distinct; to understand thoroughly; to be clear about |
一清二楚 yī qīng èr chǔ | to be very clear about sth (idiom) |
痛楚 tòng chǔ | pain; anguish; suffering |
衣冠楚楚 yī guān chǔ chǔ | immaculately dressed; well-groomed; dapper |
苦楚 kǔ chǔ | suffering; misery; pain (esp. psychological) |
楚楚 chǔ chǔ | neat; lovely |
四面楚歌 sì miàn chǔ gē | lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom); fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help |
酸楚 suān chǔ | disconsolate; forlorn; grievance |
不清楚 bù qīng chu | unclear; not understood; currently unknown |
中俄尼布楚条约 zhōng é ní bù chǔ tiáo yuē | Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia |
中俄尼布楚條約 zhōng é ní bù chǔ tiáo yuē | Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia |
口齿清楚 kǒu chǐ qīng chu | clear diction; clear articulation |
口齒清楚 kǒu chǐ qīng chu | clear diction; clear articulation |
吴楚 wú chǔ | southern states of Wu and Chu; the middle and lower Yangtze valley |
吳楚 wú chǔ | southern states of Wu and Chu; the middle and lower Yangtze valley |
吴头楚尾 wú tóu chǔ wěi | lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idiom); fig. close together; head-to-tail; one thing starts where the other leaves off |
吳頭楚尾 wú tóu chǔ wěi | lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idiom); fig. close together; head-to-tail; one thing starts where the other leaves off |
天低吴楚,眼空无物 tiān dī wú chǔ , yǎn kōng wú wù | the sky hangs low over the Yangtze, empty as far as the eye can see (idiom); nothing to see to the broad horizon |
天低吳楚,眼空無物 tiān dī wú chǔ , yǎn kōng wú wù | the sky hangs low over the Yangtze, empty as far as the eye can see (idiom); nothing to see to the broad horizon |
宋楚瑜 sòng chǔ yú | James Soong (1942-), Taiwanese politician expelled from Guomindang in 2000 when he founded People First Party 親民黨|亲民党 |
尼布楚条约 ní bù chǔ tiáo yuē | Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia |
尼布楚條約 ní bù chǔ tiáo yuē | Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia |
巴楚 bā chǔ | Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |
巴楚县 bā chǔ xiàn | Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |
巴楚縣 bā chǔ xiàn | Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang |