
date tree; dates, jujubes; surname


  • date tree
  • dates, jujubes
  • surname
  • jujube
  • dates


nán zǎo dried jujubes
囫圇吞 hú lún tūn zǎo to swallow in one gulp (idiom); (fig.) to accept without thinking; to lap up
dà zǎo see 紅棗|红枣[hong2 zao3]
打一巴掌,給個甜 dǎ yī bā zhang , gěi gè tián zǎo lit. to give sb a slap, then offer a sweet date (idiom); fig. to deal harshly with sb, then offer sth by way of consolation
子 zǎo zi dates; jujube
強 zǎo qiáng Zaoqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei
強縣 zǎo qiáng xiàn Zaoqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei
樹 zǎo shù jujube tree; date tree; Zizyphus vulgaris; CL:棵[ke1]
泥 zǎo ní jujube paste
莊 zǎo zhuāng Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong
莊市 zǎo zhuāng shì Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong
陽 zǎo yáng Zaoyang county level city in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei
陽市 zǎo yáng shì Zaoyang county level city in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei
歪瓜劣 wāi guā liè zǎo ugly; repulsive; also written 歪瓜裂棗|歪瓜裂枣[wai1 gua1 lie4 zao3]
歪瓜裂 wāi guā liè zǎo ugly; repulsive
hǎi zǎo date (fruit)
hóng zǎo jujube; red date
mì zǎo candied jujube
jiǔ zǎo dates in liquor
suān zǎo sour date (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa)
zuì zǎo dates in liquor
qīng zǎo blue or green jujube; Chinese green date
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