xùn suō

weaver's shuttle; go to and fro



梭 suō
  • shuttle (textiles)
  • to move back and fro


梭 stroke order diagram
梭 stroke order animation


穿 chuān suō to travel back and forth; to shuttle
子 suō zi shuttle (textile); cartridge clip; classifier for bullet clips and bursts of gunfire
鱼 suō yú barracuda
子鱼 suō zi yú barracuda
哈 suō hā (poker) show hand (loanword); five-card stud
太空 tài kōng suō space shuttle
mó suō Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan
族 mó suō zú Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan
日月如 rì yuè rú suō the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom); How time flies!
时空穿 shí kōng chuān suō time travel
時空穿 shí kōng chuān suō time travel
子魚 suō zi yú barracuda
标 suō biāo variant of 梭鏢|梭镖[suo1 biao1]
標 suō biāo variant of 梭鏢|梭镖[suo1 biao1]
镖 suō biāo spear
鏢 suō biāo spear
魚 suō yú barracuda
岁月如 suì yuè rú suō time flies (idiom)
歲月如 suì yuè rú suō time flies (idiom)
lú suō Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher
lú suō Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher
luó suō Roseau, capital of Dominica (Tw)
luó suō Roseau, capital of Dominica (Tw)
肉毒状芽孢杆菌 ròu dú suō zhuàng yá bāo gǎn jūn Clostridium difficile (bacterium causing gut infection)
肉毒狀芽孢桿菌 ròu dú suō zhuàng yá bāo gǎn jūn Clostridium difficile (bacterium causing gut infection)
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