
stem of flower, branch of plant



  • stem of flower, branch of plant
  • branch
  • stem
  • stalk
  • CL:根[gen1]
  • to block
  • to hinder
  • (Tw) interesting, fresh, or amusing subject matter or scenario


梗 stroke order diagram
梗 stroke order animation


心肌塞 xīn jī gěng sè myocardial infarction; heart attack
塞 gěng sè to clog; to block; to obstruct
阻 gěng zǔ to hamper; to obstruct
概 gěng gài synopsis; outline (of story)
jié gěng Chinese bellflower
qī gěng (literary) wailing; choking with sobs
xīn gěng abbr. for 心肌梗塞[xin1 ji1 geng3 sai1], myocardial infarction; heart attack
心肌死 xīn jī gěng sǐ myocardial infarction; heart attack
咽 gěng yè variant of 哽咽[geng3 ye4]
图 gěng tú (Tw) image macro; visual meme
圖 gěng tú (Tw) image macro; visual meme
死 gěng sǐ blockage; obstruction; infarction
犬 gěng quǎn terrier
王 gěng wáng (coll.) person who makes people laugh; funny guy
直 gěng zhí variant of 耿直[geng3 zhi2]
牛头 niú tóu gěng bull terrier
牛頭 niú tóu gěng bull terrier
pò gěng (Tw) to mention sth meant to be kept as a surprise; spoiler
lǎo gěng (Tw) unoriginal; hackneyed; (of a joke) old
塞 nǎo gěng sè cerebral infarction
塞 nǎo gěng sè cerebral infarction
死 nǎo gěng sǐ cerebral infarction
死 nǎo gěng sǐ cerebral infarction
qí gěng umbilical cord
qí gěng umbilical cord
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