hàng háng héng

cross-beams of roof



桁 háng
  • cangue (stocks to punish criminals)
桁 héng
  • pole plate
  • purlin (cross-beam in roof)
  • ridge-pole


桁 stroke order diagram
桁 stroke order animation


架 héng jià truss (weight-bearing construction of cross-beams)
梁 héng liáng brace girder
杨 háng yáng lit. stocks and knives; fig. any punishment equipment; torture instrument
楊 háng yáng lit. stocks and knives; fig. any punishment equipment; torture instrument
杨刀锯 háng yáng dāo jù lit. stocks and knives; fig. any punishment equipment; torture instrument
楊刀鋸 háng yáng dāo jù lit. stocks and knives; fig. any punishment equipment; torture instrument
帆 héng héng fān boom sail
帆 héng héng fān boom sail
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