HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 633rd character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1847 |
school; military field officer
校 xiào |
校 jiào |

学校 xué xiào | school; CL:所[suo3] |
校长 xiào zhǎng | (college, university) president; headmaster; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] |
上校 shàng xiào | high ranking officer in Chinese army; colonel |
少校 shào xiào | junior ranking officer in Chinese army; major; lieutenant commander |
校园 xiào yuán | campus |
中校 zhōng xiào | middle ranking officer in Chinese army; lieutenant colonel; commander |
返校 fǎn xiào | to return to school |
高校 gāo xiào | universities and colleges; abbr. for 高等學校|高等学校 |
军校 jūn xiào | military school; military academy |
校友 xiào yǒu | schoolmate; alumnus; alumna |
校服 xiào fú | school uniform |
分校 fēn xiào | branch of a school |
校准 jiào zhǔn | to calibrate |
夜校 yè xiào | evening school; night school |
校方 xiào fāng | the school (as a party in a contract, dispute etc); the school authorities |
母校 mǔ xiào | alma mater |
校正 jiào zhèng | to proofread and correct; to edit and rectify; to correct; to calibrate |
校外 xiào wài | off campus |
校规 xiào guī | school rules and regulations |
院校 yuàn xiào | college; academy; educational institution |
名校 míng xiào | famous school |
校内 xiào nèi | Xiaonei (Chinese social network website); on-campus; intramural |
校舍 xiào shè | school building |
校刊 xiào kān | school magazine |
留校 liú xiào | to join the faculty of one's alma mater upon graduation; to remain at school during vacation |