
warehouse; tavern, inn



  • warehouse
  • tavern, inn
  • a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle
  • wood or bamboo trestlework
  • a warehouse


栈 stroke order diagram
栈 stroke order animation


秦岭蜀道 qín lǐng shǔ zhàn dào the Qinling plank road to Shu, a historical mountain road from Shaanxi to Sichuan
liáng zhàn wholesale grain store
yáng zhàn sheep or goat pen
老马恋 lǎo mǎ liàn zhàn lit. the old horse loves his stable; fig. sb old but reluctant to relinquish their post (idiom)
lào zhàn see 落棧|落栈[luo4 zhan4]
luò zhàn to make a rest stop at a hotel; to put sth into storage
háng zhàn warehouse
贸易货 mào yì huò zhàn commercial warehouse
转运 zhuǎn yùn zhàn storage depot on a transportation route
jìn zhàn (computing) to push (a value) onto a stack
guān zhàn bonded warehouse
费 guān zhàn fèi bonding fee
露天堆 lù tiān duī zhàn open-air repository; open-air depot
驽马恋 nú mǎ liàn zhàn an incompetent man clings to a good position (idiom)
驽马恋豆 nú mǎ liàn zhàn dòu see 駑馬戀棧|驽马恋栈[nu2 ma3 lian4 zhan4]
鹰架台 yīng jià zhàn tái trestlework