
dye; be contagious; infect

HSK 4 #1141


  • dye
  • be contagious
  • infect
  • to dye
  • to catch (a disease)
  • to acquire (bad habits etc)
  • to contaminate
  • to add color washes to a painting


染 stroke order diagram
染 stroke order animation


xūn rǎn to exert a gradual influence; to nurture; a corrupting influence
毒 rǎn dú contamination
jìn rǎn to be contaminated; to be gradually influenced
là rǎn batik (color printing on cloth using wax)
diǎn rǎn to touch up (a piece of writing); to add details (to a painting)
一塵不 yī chén bù rǎn untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible; spotless
上呼吸道感 shàng hū xī dào gǎn rǎn upper respiratory tract infection
chuán rǎn to infect; contagious
性 chuán rǎn xìng infectious; epidemic
源 chuán rǎn yuán source of an infection
病 chuán rǎn bìng infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence
病学 chuán rǎn bìng xué epidemiology
病學 chuán rǎn bìng xué epidemiology
料 bīng rǎn rǎn liào azoic dyes
出淤泥而不 chū yū ní ér bù rǎn lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom); fig. to be principled and incorruptible
噪声污 zào shēng wū rǎn noise pollution
噪聲污 zào shēng wū rǎn noise pollution
基因色体异常 jī yīn rǎn sè tǐ yì cháng genetic chromosome abnormality
基因色體異常 jī yīn rǎn sè tǐ yì cháng genetic chromosome abnormality
多腺色体 duō xiàn rǎn sè tǐ polytene chromosome
多腺色體 duō xiàn rǎn sè tǐ polytene chromosome
大气污 dà qì wū rǎn air pollution; atmospheric pollution
大氣污 dà qì wū rǎn air pollution; atmospheric pollution
实验室感 shí yàn shì gǎn rǎn laboratory infection
實驗室感 shí yàn shì gǎn rǎn laboratory infection