
door hinge; pivot; center of power



  • door hinge
  • pivot
  • center of power
  • hinge
  • pivot


枢 stroke order diagram
枢 stroke order animation


zhōng shū center; backbone; hub (e.g. of transport network); the central administration
纽 shū niǔ hub (e.g. of traffic network); hinge; pivot; fulcrum
机主教 shū jī zhǔ jiào cardinal (of the Catholic Church)
神经系统 zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng central nervous system, CNS
交通纽 jiāo tōng shū niǔ traffic hub
tiān shū alpha Ursae Majoris
星 tiān shū xīng alpha Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper
不蠹 hù shū bù dù lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten; constant activity prevents decay (idiom)
垣 shū yuán censorate
密院 shū mì yuàn privy council
机 shū jī cardinal (Catholicism)
轴 shū zhóu pivot; fulcrum
流水不腐,户不蠹 liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom); fig. constant activity prevents decay
yào shū important traffic hub; key crossroad
经 líng shū jīng the Divine Pivot or Spiritual Pivot, ancient Chinese medical text
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