nèn ruì

the handle of tools



枘 ruì
  • tenon
  • tool handle
  • wedge


枘 stroke order diagram
枘 stroke order animation


圆凿方 yuán záo fāng ruì see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]
圓鑿方 yuán záo fāng ruì see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]
圆凿 fāng ruì yuán záo to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible (idiom)
圓鑿 fāng ruì yuán záo to put a square peg in a round hole; incompatible (idiom)
凿 ruì zuò incompatible
鑿 ruì zuò incompatible
záo ruì to fit like mortise and tenon
záo ruì to fit like mortise and tenon
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