HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 1396th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.4) |
INDEX # | 1020 |
cup, glass
- cup, glass
- cup
- trophy cup
- classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup
- variant of 杯[bei1]

杯子 bēi zi | cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] |
干杯 gān bēi | to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup |
奖杯 jiǎng bēi | trophy cup |
纸杯 zhǐ bēi | paper cup |
举杯 jǔ bēi | to toast sb (with wine etc); to drink a toast |
酒杯 jiǔ bēi | wine cup |
世界杯 shì jiè bēi | World Cup |
玻璃杯 bō li bēi | drinking glass |
茶杯 chá bēi | teacup; tea-glass; cup; mug; CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
高脚杯 gāo jiǎo bēi | goblet |
烧杯 shāo bēi | beaker (glassware) |
杯水车薪 bēi shuǐ chē xīn | lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood (idiom); fig. an utterly inadequate measure |
贪杯 tān bēi | to drink in excess |
交杯酒 jiāo bēi jiǔ | formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony |
捧杯 pěng bēi | to win a championship; to come out top; to take the cup |
量杯 liáng bēi | measuring cup; graduated measuring cylinder |
一杯羹 yī bēi gēng | lit. a cup of soup; fig. to get part of the profits; one's share of the action |
乾杯 gān bēi | to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup |
亚洲杯 yà zhōu bēi | Asian Cup |
亞洲杯 yà zhōu bēi | Asian Cup |
免洗杯 miǎn xǐ bēi | disposable cup (Tw) |
大力神杯 dà lì shén bēi | FIFA World Cup trophy |
好酒贪杯 hào jiǔ tān bēi | fond of the bottle (idiom) |
好酒貪杯 hào jiǔ tān bēi | fond of the bottle (idiom) |
对杯 duì bēi | to raise glasses together; to toast one another |