
various species of pine and fir



杉 shān
  • China fir
  • Cunninghamia lanceolata
  • also pr. [sha1]


杉 stroke order diagram
杉 stroke order animation


矶 luò shān jī Los Angeles, California
yún shān spruce
zǐ shān Japanese yew (taxus cuspidata)
tiě shān Tsuga chinensis
三尖酯碱 sān jiān shān zhǐ jiǎn harringtonine (chemistry)
三尖酯鹼 sān jiān shān zhǐ jiǎn harringtonine (chemistry)
加利福尼亚大学洛矶分校 jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué luò shān jī fēn xiào UCLA
加利福尼亞大學洛磯分校 jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué luò shān jī fēn xiào UCLA
山 shān shān Sugiyama (Japanese surname)
山彬 shān shān bīn Tsugiyama Akira, secretary at the Japanese legation killed during the Boxer uprising
本 shān běn Sugimoto (Japanese surname)
林 shān lín Shanlin township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
林乡 shān lín xiāng Shanlin township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
林鄉 shān lín xiāng Shanlin township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan
liǔ shān Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)
shuǐ shān metasequoia
磯 luò shān jī Los Angeles, California
矶时报 luò shān jī shí bào Los Angeles Times
磯時報 luò shān jī shí bào Los Angeles Times
矶湖人 luò shān jī hú rén Los Angeles Lakers (NBA team)
磯湖人 luò shān jī hú rén Los Angeles Lakers (NBA team)
白皮醇 bái pí shān chún piceatannol C14H12O4
红豆醇 hóng dòu shān chún Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy
紅豆醇 hóng dòu shān chún Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy
醇 zǐ shān chún Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy
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