gān gǎn

pole; shaft of spear

HSK 6 #2011


杆 gān
  • pole
  • CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1]
杆 gǎn
  • stick
  • pole
  • lever
  • classifier for long objects such as guns


杆 stroke order diagram
杆 stroke order animation


子 èr gān zi hot-tempered; rash; hot-tempered person
qiē gān chip (golf shot)
嗜血菌 shì xuè gǎn jūn hemophile bacteria; hemophilus
套马 tào mǎ gǎn lasso on long wooden pole
布氏菌病 bù shì gǎn jūn bìng brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever)
幽门螺旋菌 yōu mén luó xuán gǎn jūn Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium)
幽门螺菌 yōu mén luó gǎn jūn Helicobacter pylori (stomach bacterium)
tǐng gǎn tappet (machine part)
控制 kòng zhì gǎn control lever; joystick
换挡 huàn dǎng gǎn gear lever
huī gān swing (golf)
yáo gǎn joystick
chēng gān a pole; a prop
chēng gān a pole; a prop
跳高 chēng gān tiào gāo pole-vaulting
mù gān wooden pole; wood (golf club)
李斯特氏菌 lǐ sī tè shì gǎn jūn listeria bacillus
收购 gàng gǎn shōu gòu leveraged buyout (LBO)
收購 gàng gǎn shōu gòu leveraged buyout (LBO)
枯草菌 kū cǎo gǎn jūn bacillus subtilis
弟 gān dì caddie (golf)
秤 gǎn chèng a steelyard (a type of balance)
儿 qiāng gǎn r gun barrel
子 qiāng gǎn zi gun barrel
biāo gān surveyor's pole; post (used for a landmark); CL:根[gen1]; (fig.) goal; model; benchmark