shū zhū

cinnabar, vermilion; surname



朱 zhū
  • surname Zhu
  • vermilion
  • cinnabar
  • see 硃砂|朱砂[zhu1 sha1]


朱 stroke order diagram
朱 stroke order animation


祁鈺 zhū qí yù Zhu Qiyu, personal name of seventh Ming emperor Jingtai 景泰[Jing3 tai4] (1428-1457), reigned 1449-1457
祁镇 zhū qí zhèn Zhu Qizhen, personal name of sixth and eighth Ming emperor Zhengtong 正統|正统[Zheng4 tong3], afterwards Tianshun Emperor 天順|天顺[Tian1 shun4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449 and 1457-1464
祁鎮 zhū qí zhèn Zhu Qizhen, personal name of sixth and eighth Ming emperor Zhengtong 正統|正统[Zheng4 tong3], afterwards Tianshun Emperor 天順|天顺[Tian1 shun4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449 and 1457-1464
立伦 zhū lì lún Eric Chu (1961-), Taiwanese KMT politician
立倫 zhū lì lún Eric Chu (1961-), Taiwanese KMT politician
粉 zhū fěn red lead oxide Pb3O4; rouge and white lead; cosmetics
紅 zhū hóng vermilion
红灯 zhū hóng dēng Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion
紅燈 zhū hóng dēng Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion
绂 zhū fú (archaic) red silk ribbon tied to a seal or a jade pendant; red knee cover, part of an official's robes (also a synedoche for the attire of an official); to be an official
紱 zhū fú (archaic) red silk ribbon tied to a seal or a jade pendant; red knee cover, part of an official's robes (also a synedoche for the attire of an official); to be an official
背啄花鸟 zhū bèi zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) scarlet-backed flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)
背啄花鳥 zhū bèi zhuó huā niǎo (bird species of China) scarlet-backed flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)
自清 zhū zì qīng Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), poet and essayist
莉婭 zhū lì yà Julia (name)
諾 zhū nuò Juneau, capital of Alaska; Juno, Roman goddess of marriage
迪亞 zhū dí yà Judea
镕基 zhū róng jī Zhu Rongji (1928-), PRC politician, premier 1998-2003
鎔基 zhū róng jī Zhu Rongji (1928-), PRC politician, premier 1998-2003
雀 zhū què Vermilion Bird (the seven mansions of the south sky)
云折槛 zhū yún zhē kǎn Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom); to challenge and admonish boldly
雲折檻 zhū yún zhē kǎn Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom); to challenge and admonish boldly
高炽 zhū gāo chì Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth Ming emperor Hongxi 洪熙[Hong2 Xi1]
高熾 zhū gāo chì Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth Ming emperor Hongxi 洪熙[Hong2 Xi1]
鹀 zhū wú (bird species of China) Przevalski's finch (Urocynchramus pylzowi)