
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


gāng běn Okamoto (Japanese surname and place name)
gāng běn Okamoto (Japanese surname and place name)
布莱克 bù lái kè běn Blackburn
布萊克 bù lái kè běn Blackburn
平裝 píng zhuāng běn paperback (book)
几何原 jǐ hé yuán běn Euclid's Elements
幾何原 jǐ hé yuán běn Euclid's Elements
yǐng běn copy (of a document); book with model calligraphy for copying
微积分基定理 wēi jī fēn jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of calculus
微積分基定理 wēi jī fēn jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of calculus
wàng běn to forget one's roots
快乐大营 kuài lè dà běn yíng Happy Camp (PRC TV series)
快樂大營 kuài lè dà běn yíng Happy Camp (PRC TV series)
慈悲为 cí bēi wéi běn mercy as the guiding principle (idiom); the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion
慈悲為 cí bēi wéi běn mercy as the guiding principle (idiom); the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion
能做事 píng běn néng zuò shì to follow one's nose
能做事 píng běn néng zuò shì to follow one's nose
戶口 hù kǒu běn household register; household registration booklet; residence certificate
bān běn to recoup losses (in gambling)
儿 bān běn r to recoup losses (in gambling)
兒 bān běn r to recoup losses (in gambling)
shé běn a loss; to lose money
tà běn rubbing of inscription
逐末 shě běn zhú mò to neglect the root and pursue the tip (idiom); to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details
逐末 shě běn zhú mò to neglect the root and pursue the tip (idiom); to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details