
to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization


會 huì
  • can
  • to be possible
  • to be able to
  • will
  • to be likely to
  • to be sure to
  • to assemble
  • to meet
  • to gather
  • to see
  • union
  • group
  • association
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
  • a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
會 kuài
  • to balance an account
  • accountancy
  • accounting


城運 chéng yùn huì abbr. for 城市運動會|城市运动会[Cheng2 shi4 Yun4 dong4 hui4]
執委 zhí wěi huì executive committee
基金 jī jīn huì foundation (institution supported by an endowment)
報告 bào gào huì public lecture (with guest speakers etc)
外交關係理事 wài jiāo guān xì lǐ shì huì Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think tank)
外貌協 wài mào xié huì the "good-looks club": people who attach great importance to a person's appearance (pun on 外貿協會|外贸协会 foreign trade association)
外貿協 wài mào xié huì Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), abbr. for 中華民國對外貿易發展協會|中华民国对外贸易发展协会
夜招待酒 yè zhāo dài jiǔ huì evening cocktail reception
夜總 yè zǒng huì nightclub; nightspot
大刀 dà dāo huì Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion
大政翼贊 dà zhèng yì zàn huì Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist organization created in 1940
dà huì general assembly; general meeting; convention; CL:個|个[ge4],屆|届[jie4]
報告起草人 dà huì bào gào qǐ cǎo rén rapporteur
大柴旦行政委員 dà chái dàn xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州, Qinghai
大都 dà dū huì major city; metropolis; metropolitan
天上不掉餡餅 tiān shàng bù huì diào xiàn bǐng there is no such thing as a free lunch (idiom)
天主教 tiān zhǔ jiào huì the Catholic Church
天地 tiān dì huì Tiandihui (Chinese fraternal organization)
天津議專條 tiān jīn huì yì zhuān tiáo Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鴻章|李鸿章[Li3 Hong2 zhang1] and ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文[Yi1 teng2 Bo2 wen2] to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea
奧委 ào wěi huì Olympic committee
ào huì (International or national) Olympic Committee (abbr. for 奧林匹克委員會|奥林匹克委员会); Olympic Games (abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会)
奧林匹克運動 ào lín pǐ kè yùn dòng huì Olympic Games; the Olympics
奧林匹克運動組織委員 ào lín pǐ kè yùn dòng huì zǔ zhī wěi yuán huì Olympic Organizing Committee; abbr. to 奧組委|奥组委
奧運 ào yùn huì abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会; Olympic Games; the Olympics
奴隸社 nú lì shè huì slave-owning society (precedes feudal society 封建社會|封建社会 in Marxist theory)