
to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization


會 huì
  • can
  • to be possible
  • to be able to
  • will
  • to be likely to
  • to be sure to
  • to assemble
  • to meet
  • to gather
  • to see
  • union
  • group
  • association
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
  • a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
會 kuài
  • to balance an account
  • accountancy
  • accounting


fù huì variant of 附會|附会[fu4 hui4]
僑務委員 qiáo wù wěi yuán huì Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan
兄弟 xiōng dì huì fraternity
光復 guāng fù huì anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培; same as 復古會|复古会
兒童基金 ér tóng jī jīn huì UNICEF (United Nations Children's fund)
rù huì to join a society, association etc
全國人大常委 quán guó rén dà cháng wěi huì Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (abbr. of 全國人民代表大會常務委員會|全国人民代表大会常务委员会)
全國人大議 quán guó rén dà huì yì National People's Congress (NPC)
全國人民代表大 quán guó rén mín dài biǎo dà huì (Chinese) National People's Congress; abbr. to 人大[Ren2 da4]
全國人民代表大常務委員 quán guó rén mín dài biǎo dà huì cháng wù wěi yuán huì Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全國代表大 quán guó dài biǎo dà huì national general congress; Communist party national congress, in recent times every five years
全國大黨 quán guó dà huì dǎng National Congress Party (Sudan)
全國運動 quán guó yùn dòng huì National Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1959
quán huì plenary session (at a conference); CL:屆|届[jie4]
全運 quán yùn huì abbr. for 全國運動會|全国运动会[Quan2 guo2 Yun4 dong4 hui4]
全體議 quán tǐ huì yì general congress; meeting of the whole committee
liǎng huì National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
穴 bā huì xué the eight influential points (acupuncture)
公司議 gōng sī huì yì company meeting
gōng huì guild
公民社 gōng mín shè huì civil society
公眾集 gōng zhòng jí huì public meeting
公聽 gōng tīng huì public hearing
公開討論 gōng kāi tǎo lùn huì open forum
六方談 liù fāng huì tán six-sided talks (on North Korea)