
to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization


會 huì
  • can
  • to be possible
  • to be able to
  • will
  • to be likely to
  • to be sure to
  • to assemble
  • to meet
  • to gather
  • to see
  • union
  • group
  • association
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
  • a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])
會 kuài
  • to balance an account
  • accountancy
  • accounting


市民社 shì mín shè huì civil society (law)
市議 shì yì huì city council
常務委員 cháng wù wěi yuán huì standing committee (e.g. of National People's Congress)
常委 cháng wěi huì standing committee
bāng huì secret society; underworld gang
年度大 nián dù dà huì annual meeting; annual general meeting (AGM)
年度股東大 nián dù gǔ dōng dà huì annual shareholders' meeting
nián huì annual meeting
xìng huì nice to meet you
yōu huì lovers' rendezvous; tryst
座談 zuò tán huì conference; symposium; rap session
miào huì temple fair
廣交 guǎng jiāo huì China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair
yán huì to postpone a meeting
建屋互助 jiàn wū hù zhù huì building society (finance)
影像議 yǐng xiàng huì yì video conference
兒 dāi huì r in a moment; later; also pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] or [dai1 hui5 r5]
有期 hòu huì yǒu qī I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom); Hope to see you again.
無期 hòu huì wú qī to meet again at unspecified date; meeting postponed indefinitely
復古 fù gǔ huì anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培; same as 光復會|光复会
fù huì to resume a meeting
德國標準化學 dé guó biāo zhǔn huà xué huì Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN); German Institute for Standardization
德國統一社黨 dé guó tǒng yī shè huì dǎng Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Germany 1949-1990), the ruling communist party of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
心領神 xīn lǐng shén huì to understand tacitly (idiom); to know intuitively; to understand thoroughly
yì huì to sense; to grasp intuitively