
long, extended, vast; beautiful



  • long, extended, vast
  • beautiful
  • handsome
  • large
  • long


曼 stroke order diagram
曼 stroke order animation


蒂克 luó màn dì kè romantic (loanword)
语族 luó màn yǔ zú Romance language family
語族 luó màn yǔ zú Romance language family
诺 luó màn nuò Romano (name)
諾 luó màn nuò Romano (name)
莎拉・布莱 shā lā ・ bù lái màn Sarah Brightman (1960-), English pop star
莎拉・布萊 shā lā ・ bù lái màn Sarah Brightman (1960-), English pop star
薩拉卡 sà lā màn kǎ Salamanca, Spain
殊 sū màn shū Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer, journalist, Buddhist monk, participant in the revolutionary movement
殊 sū màn shū Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer, journalist, Buddhist monk, participant in the revolutionary movement
苏莱 sū lái màn Suleiman (name); General Michel Suleiman (1948-), Lebanese military man and politician, president of Lebanon 2008-2014
蘇萊 sū lái màn Suleiman (name); General Michel Suleiman (1948-), Lebanese military man and politician, president of Lebanon 2008-2014
苏迪杯 sū dí màn bēi Sudirman Cup (world badminton team competition)
蘇迪杯 sū dí màn bēi Sudirman Cup (world badminton team competition)
诺伊 nuò yī màn Neumann (surname); John von Neumann (1903-1957), Hungarian-born American mathematician and polymath
諾伊 nuò yī màn Neumann (surname); John von Neumann (1903-1957), Hungarian-born American mathematician and polymath
人 nuò màn rén Normans (people)
人 nuò màn rén Normans (people)
底 nuò màn dǐ Normandy, France
底人 nuò màn dǐ rén Norman (people)
底人 nuò màn dǐ rén Norman (people)
底半岛 nuò màn dǐ bàn dǎo Normandy peninsula
底半島 nuò màn dǐ bàn dǎo Normandy peninsula
征服 nuò màn zhēng fú the Norman conquest of England (1066)
征服 nuò màn zhēng fú the Norman conquest of England (1066)