
book, letter, document; writings


  • book, letter, document
  • writings
  • abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]
  • book
  • letter
  • document
  • CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]
  • to write


書 stroke order diagram


亞記 yuē shū yà jì Book of Joshua
約珥 yuē ěr shū Book of Joel
約翰一 yuē hàn yī shū First epistle of St John
約翰三 yuē hàn sān shū Third epistle of St John
約翰二 yuē hàn èr shū Second epistle of St John
約翰參 yuē hàn cān shū Third epistle of St John; also written 約翰三書|约翰三书
約翰壹 yuē hàn yī shū First epistle of St John; also written 約翰一書|约翰一书
約翰貳 yuē hàn èr shū Second epistle of St John; also written 約翰二書|约翰二书
紅寶 hóng bǎo shū the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Yu3 lu4])
絕命 jué mìng shū suicide note
jīng shū classic books in Confucianism; scriptures; sutras
綠皮 lǜ pí shū green paper (government report proposing policies and inviting discussion)
記 zǒng shū ji general secretary (of the Communist Party)
xù shū sequel; continuation of a book
罄竹難 qìng zhú nán shū so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted; innumerable crimes (idiom); see also 罄筆難書|罄笔难书[qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1]
罄筆難 qìng bǐ nán shū too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) (idiom); see also 罄竹難書|罄竹难书[qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1]
羅馬 luó mǎ shū Epistle of St Paul to the Romans
耶利米 yē lì mǐ shū Book of Jeremiah
聖賢 shèng xián shū holy book
pìn shū letter of appointment; contract
聯合國秘處 lián hé guó mì shū chù United Nations Secretariat
聲明 shēng míng shū statement
聽君一席話,勝讀十年 tīng jūn yī xí huà , shèng dú shí nián shū listening to the words of a wise man can be superior to studying ten years of books (proverb)
tīng shū to listen to stories; to listen to performance of 說書|说书 storytelling
肄業證 yì yè zhèng shū certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate)