universal, general, widespread

HSK 4 #630


  • universal, general, widespread
  • general
  • popular
  • everywhere
  • universal


普 stroke order diagram
普 stroke order animation


安特卫 ān tè wèi pǔ Antwerp (city in Belgium)
罗旺斯 pǔ luó wàng sī Provence (south of France)
勒 duō pǔ lè Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian physicist who discovered the Doppler effect
莱斯 pǔ lái sī Price (name)
敦 kāi pǔ dūn Cape Town (city in South Africa)
世 pǔ shì ecumenical; universal
朗克 pǔ lǎng kè Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist
jī pǔ kip (Laotian currency)
查 pǔ chá census; general survey; general investigation; reconnaissance survey
西 pǔ xī psi (Greek letter Ψψ)
鲁斯特 pǔ lǔ sī tè Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French author
旁遮 páng zhē pǔ Punjab state of India; Punjab province of Pakistan
拉斯 lā pǔ lā sī Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician
契尼 pǔ qì ní Puccini
希金 pǔ xī jīn Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837), great Russian romantic poet
zé pǔ Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
吉 pǔ jí Phuket (city in Thailand)
遍性 pǔ biàn xìng ubiquity; universality
瓜德罗 guā dé luó pǔ Guadeloupe
菲尔斯 fēi ěr pǔ sī Phelps (name); Michael Phelps (1985-), US swimmer and multiple Olympic gold medallist
京 pǔ jīng Vladimir Putin (1952-), president of Russia
huì pǔ Hewlett-Packard
斯科里 sī kē pǔ lǐ Skopje, capital of North Macedonia
法 pǔ fǎ to promote knowledge of laws; rights awareness
选 pǔ xuǎn universal suffrage