
dark, unclear, obscure; night



  • dark, unclear, obscure
  • night
  • last day of a lunar month
  • dark
  • night


晦 stroke order diagram
晦 stroke order animation


气 huì qì bad luck; unlucky; calamitous; wretched
yǐn huì vague; ambiguous; veiled; obscure
涩 huì sè difficult to understand; cryptic
暗 huì àn dark and gloomy
韬光养 tāo guāng yǎng huì to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom); to hide one's light under a bushel
bèi huì (coll.) muddleheaded
氣 huì qì bad luck; unlucky; calamitous; wretched
澀 huì sè difficult to understand; cryptic
艰深涩 jiān shēn huì sè abstruse and unfathomable (idiom)
艱深澀 jiān shēn huì sè abstruse and unfathomable (idiom)
遵时养 zūn shí yǎng huì to bide one's time, waiting for an opportunity to stage a comeback in public life (idiom)
遵時養 zūn shí yǎng huì to bide one's time, waiting for an opportunity to stage a comeback in public life (idiom)
yīn huì overcast; gloomy
yīn huì overcast; gloomy
yǐn huì vague; ambiguous; veiled; obscure
韜光養 tāo guāng yǎng huì to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom); to hide one's light under a bushel
xiǎn huì light and shade
xiǎn huì light and shade
风雨如 fēng yǔ rú huì lit. wind and rain darken the sky (idiom); fig. the situation looks grim
風雨如 fēng yǔ rú huì lit. wind and rain darken the sky (idiom); fig. the situation looks grim
风雨冥 fēng yǔ huì míng conditions of extreme adversity (idiom)
風雨冥 fēng yǔ huì míng conditions of extreme adversity (idiom)
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