
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


zhèng shí timing (of an engine)
正當 zhèng dāng shí the right time for sth; the right season (for planting cabbage)
正逢其 zhèng féng qí shí to come at the right time; to be opportune
cǐ shí now; this moment
以前 cǐ shí yǐ qián heretofore
此刻 cǐ shí cǐ kè at this very moment
此地 cǐ shí cǐ dì here and now; as things stand
suì shí season; time of the year
歷史期 lì shǐ shí qī historical period
lì shí to last; to take (time); period; diachronic
每刻 měi shí měi kè at all times; at every moment
每日 měi shí měi rì every day and every hour; hourly and daily (idiom)
比利 bǐ lì shí Belgium
洛杉磯報 luò shān jī shí bào Los Angeles Times
海峽報 hǎi xiá shí bào The Straits Times
消磨間 xiāo mó shí jiān to kill time
減壓間表 jiǎn yā shí jiān biǎo decompression schedule (diving); also called 減壓程序|减压程序[jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4]
zhǔn shí on time; punctual; on schedule
滴漏計器 dī lòu jì shí qì hourglass; water clock; clepsydra
wéi shí timewise; pertaining to time
不晚 wéi shí bù wǎn it is not too late (idiom)
已晚 wéi shí yǐ wǎn already too late
未晚 wéi shí wèi wǎn it is not too late (idiom)
過早 wéi shí guò zǎo premature; too soon
烜赫一 xuǎn hè yī shí to enjoy a short-lived fame or position of power