
yesterday; in former times, past

HSK 1 #1475


  • yesterday
  • in former times, past
  • yesterday



天 zuó tiān yesterday
晚 zuó wǎn yesterday evening; last night
夜 zuó yè last night
日 zuó rì yesterday
儿 zuó r (coll.) yesterday
兒 zuó r (coll.) yesterday
儿个 zuó r ge (coll.) yesterday
兒個 zuó r ge (coll.) yesterday
天早上 zuó tiān zǎo shang yesterday morning
天晚上 zuó tiān wǎn shàng last night
天夜里 zuó tiān yè lǐ last night; during the night of yesterday
天下午 zuó tiān xià wǔ yesterday afternoon; the time period in the afternoon of the day before today
准 zuó zhǔn previously approved
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