
bright, light, brilliant; clear

HSK 1 #121


明 míng
  • Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  • surname Ming
  • Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  • bright
  • opposite: dark 暗[an4]
  • (of meaning) clear
  • to understand
  • next
  • public or open
  • wise
  • generic term for a sacrifice to the gods


明 stroke order diagram
明 stroke order animation


区 nán míng qū Nanming district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou
區 nán míng qū Nanming district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou
去向不 qù xiàng bù míng missing; lost
古文 gǔ wén míng ancient civilization
另请高 lìng qǐng gāo míng please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)
另請高 lìng qǐng gāo míng please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)
史思 shǐ sī míng Shi Siming (703-761), military colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], participated in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4]
吴天 wú tiān míng Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director
吳天 wú tiān míng Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director
皇 táng míng huáng Emperor Ming of Tang (685-762), also known as Emperor Xuanzong of Tang 唐玄宗[Tang2 Xuan2 zong1], reigned 712-756
qǐ míng Classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn
qǐ míng Classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn
星 qǐ míng xīng (astronomy) Venus
喻世言 yù shì míng yán another name for 古今小說|古今小说[Gu3 jin1 Xiao3 shuo1], Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙[Feng2 Meng4 long2]
yán míng strict and impartial; firm
四大发 sì dà fā míng the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder
四大發 sì dà fā míng the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder
园 yuán míng yuán Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860
園 yuán míng yuán Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860
图解说 tú jiě shuō míng explanatory diagram
圖解說 tú jiě shuō míng explanatory diagram
jiān míng to consolidate and clarify
jiān míng to consolidate and clarify
外国人居住证 wài guó rén jū zhù zhèng míng foreigner's certificate of residence
外國人居住證 wài guó rén jū zhù zhèng míng foreigner's certificate of residence