
bright, light, brilliant; clear

HSK 1 #121


明 míng
  • Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  • surname Ming
  • Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  • bright
  • opposite: dark 暗[an4]
  • (of meaning) clear
  • to understand
  • next
  • public or open
  • wise
  • generic term for a sacrifice to the gods


明 stroke order diagram
明 stroke order animation


创造 fā míng chuàng zào to invent and innovate; inventions and innovations
創造 fā míng chuàng zào to invent and innovate; inventions and innovations
家 fā míng jiā inventor
者 fā míng zhě inventor
皇冠上的珠 huáng guān shàng de míng zhū the brightest jewel in the crown
皓齿眸 hào chǐ míng móu white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young woman
皓齒眸 hào chǐ míng móu white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young woman
手快 yǎn míng shǒu kuài sharp-sighted and deft
知人者智,自知者 zhī rén zhě zhì , zì zhī zhě míng those who understand others are clever, but those who know themselves are truly wise (idiom, from Laozi's 道德經|道德经[Dao4 de2 jing1]
砷凡纳 shēn fán nà míng arsphenamine
砷凡納 shēn fán nà míng arsphenamine
祝允 zhù yǔn míng Zhu Yunming (1460-1526), Ming dynasty calligrapher
几净 chuāng míng jī jìng lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean
几淨 chuāng míng jī jìng lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean
简单了 jiǎn dān míng liǎo clear and simple; in simple terms
簡單瞭 jiǎn dān míng liǎo clear and simple; in simple terms
jiǎn míng simple and clear; concise
扼要 jiǎn míng è yào brief and to the point (idiom); succinct
强干 jīng míng qiáng gàn intelligent and capable (idiom)
強幹 jīng míng qiáng gàn intelligent and capable (idiom)
能幹 jīng míng néng gàn able and efficient
精神文 jīng shén wén míng spiritual culture
体 xì míng tǐ Mincho narrow font
體 xì míng tǐ Mincho narrow font
绝顶聪 jué dǐng cōng ming extremely bright (idiom)