
bright, light, brilliant; clear

HSK 1 #121


明 míng
  • Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
  • surname Ming
  • Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God
  • bright
  • opposite: dark 暗[an4]
  • (of meaning) clear
  • to understand
  • next
  • public or open
  • wise
  • generic term for a sacrifice to the gods


明 stroke order diagram
明 stroke order animation


县 chóng míng xiàn Chongming island county, Shanghai
縣 chóng míng xiàn Chongming island county, Shanghai
慧 cuī míng huì Christine Choy (1964-), Chinese-American film director
sōng míng Songming county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan
县 sōng míng xiàn Songming county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan
縣 sōng míng xiàn Songming county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan
左丘 zuǒ qiū míng Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451), famous blind historian from Lu 魯國|鲁国[Lu3 guo2] to whom the history Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4] is attributed
píng míng (literary) dawn; daybreak; impartial and astute
yōu míng the hidden and the visible; that which can be seen and that which cannot; darkness and light; night and day; wisdom and ignorance; evil and good; the living and the dead; men and ghosts
白 nòng míng bai to figure out how to do something
zhāng míng to show clearly; to make public; obvious
较著 zhāng míng jiào zhù obvious; clear for all to see
較著 zhāng míng jiào zhù obvious; clear for all to see
后见之 hòu jiàn zhī míng hindsight
後見之 hòu jiàn zhī míng hindsight
wēi míng twilight
心知肚 xīn zhī dù míng to be well aware
sī míng Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian
区 sī míng qū Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian
區 sī míng qū Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian
愛憎分 ài zēng fēn míng to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates; to have well-defined likes and dislikes
怀俄 huái é míng Wyoming, US state
懷俄 huái é míng Wyoming, US state
懷俄州 huái é míng zhōu Wyoming, US state
招股说书 zhāo gǔ shuō míng shū prospectus