
rise, ascent; peaceful; peace


  • rise, ascent
  • peaceful
  • peace
  • to ascend
  • to rise to the rank of
  • to promote
  • to hoist
  • liter
  • measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3]
  • variant of 升[sheng1]
  • to rise in rank


昇 stroke order diagram


shàng shēng to rise; to go up; to ascend
冉冉上 rǎn rǎn shàng shēng to ascend slowly
tí shēng to promote; to upgrade
值 shēng zhí to rise in value; to appreciate
空 shēng kōng to rise to the sky; to lift off; to levitate; liftoff
調 shēng diào rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)
降 shēng jiàng rising and falling
高 shēng gāo to raise; to ascend
bì shēng Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of movable type
金烏西墜,玉兔東 jīn wū xī zhuì , yù tù dōng shēng lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east; fig. at sunset
洙 hán shēng zhū Han Seung Soo (1936-), South Korean diplomat and politician, prime minister from 2008
fēi shēng to levitate heavenwards (a Daoist success); to take off; to soar (of prices)
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