mào máo

a kind of ancient flag; old



旄 mào
  • variant of 耄[mao4]
旄 máo
  • banner decorated with animal's tail


旄 stroke order diagram
旄 stroke order animation


倪 mào ní variant of 耄倪[mao4 ni2]
期 mào qī variant of 耄期[mao4 qi1]
车 máo chē an ancient war chariot; CL:輛|辆[liang4]
車 máo chē an ancient war chariot; CL:輛|辆[liang4]
黄钺 bái máo huáng yuè white banner and yellow battle-ax (idiom); refers to military expedition
黃鉞 bái máo huáng yuè white banner and yellow battle-ax (idiom); refers to military expedition
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