in, at, on; interjection alas!


於 yū
  • surname Yu
  • Taiwan pr. [Yu2]
於 wū
  • (literary) Oh!
  • Ah!
於 yú
  • surname Yu
  • to go
  • to take
  • sentence-final interrogative particle
  • variant of 於|于[yu2]
  • in
  • at
  • to
  • from
  • by
  • than
  • out of


於 stroke order diagram
於 stroke order animation


guò yú too much; excessively
遷怒人 qiān nù yú rén to vent one's anger on an innocent party (idiom)
醉心 zuì xīn yú to be infatuated with
泰山 zhòng yú tài shān heavier than Mt Tai (idiom); fig. extremely serious matter
jiàn yú in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas
cháng yú to be adept in; to excel at
guān yú pertaining to; concerning; with regard to; about; a matter of
防患未然 fáng huàn yú wèi rán see 防患未然[fang2 huan4 wei4 ran2]
xiàn yú to be limited to; to be confined to
xiàn yú caught in (a bad situation); to fall into (trap etc)
癱瘓 xiàn yú tān huàn to be paralyzed; at a standstill
接近 nán yú jiē jìn (of people) difficult to approach; inaccessible
登天 nán yú dēng tiān harder than climbing to heaven (idiom)
青出藍而勝藍 qīng chū yú lán ér shèng yú lán lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom); fig. the student surpasses the master
gāo yú greater than; to exceed
bìng yú and arrived at
shēng yú born in
取決 qǔ jué yú depend on; be determined by
jiāng yú will be; will take place; used to indicate future action or plan
hái yú still at; yet to
不利 bù lì yú not conducive to; unfavorable or disadvantageous to
zhòng yú focus on; emphasize on; give importance to
shèng yú better than; superior to; more than
yòng yú to be used for; for the purpose of; used in the context of specifying the intended use or application of something