fāng fang

a square, rectangle; a region; local

HSK 3 #60


方 fāng
  • surname Fang
  • square
  • power or involution (math.)
  • upright
  • honest
  • fair and square
  • direction
  • side
  • party (to a contract, dispute etc)
  • place
  • method
  • prescription (medicine)
  • just when
  • only or just
  • classifier for square things
  • abbr. for square or cubic meter


方 stroke order diagram
方 stroke order animation


jūn fāng military
qián fāng ahead; the front
chǔ fāng medical prescription; recipe; formula
西 xī fāng the West; the Occident; Western countries
pèi fāng prescription; cooking recipe; formulation; completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math.)
另一面 lìng yī fāng miàn on the other hand; another aspect
dōng fāng the East; the Orient; two-character surname Dongfang; east
mì fāng secret recipe
向盘 fāng xiàng pán steering wheel
hé fāng where?
舟 fāng zhōu ark
xià fāng underneath; below; the underside; world of mortals; to descend to the world of mortals (of Gods)
yuǎn fāng far away; a distant location
程式 fāng chéng shì equation
hòu fāng the rear; far behind the front line
dí fāng enemy
面 yī fāng miàn on the one hand
wǒ fāng our side; we
块 fāng kuài cube; block; square; rectangle; diamond ♦ (in card games)
位 quán fāng wèi all around; omnidirectional; complete; holistic; comprehensive
yào fāng prescription
程 fāng chéng mathematical equation
sì fāng four-way; four-sided; in all directions; everywhere
nǚ fāng the bride's side (of a wedding); of the bride's party
非官 fēi guān fāng unofficial