this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

HSK 6 #168


斯 sī
  • Slovakia
  • Slovak
  • abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
  • (phonetic)
  • this


斯 stroke order diagram
斯 stroke order animation


敦 xiū sī dūn Houston, Texas
诺 sī nuò Snow (name); Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported from China 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China
格拉哥 gé lā sī gē Glasgow, Scotland
láo sī lái sī Rolls-Royce
特恩 sī tè ēn Stern (name)
皮尔伯格 sī pí ěr bó gé Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director
维尔纽 wéi ěr niǔ sī Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
威利 wēi lì sī Willis (name)
卡 pà sī kǎ Pascal (name); Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician
乌兹别克坦 wū zī bié kè sī tǎn Uzbekistan
拉夫 nán sī lā fū Yugoslavia, 1943-1992
威辛 ào sī wēi xīn Auschwitz (concentration camp)
蒂文 sī dì wén Steven (name); Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system to Europe
米尔 mǐ ěr sī Mills (name)
拉 gē sī lā Godzilla
hǎi sī Hayes (Microcomputer)
匹林 ā sī pǐ lín aspirin (loanword); also written 阿司匹林
霍布 huò bù sī Hobbs (name)
克莱勒 kè lái sī lè Chrysler
康星州 wēi sī kāng xīng zhōu Wisconsin, US state
布加勒特 bù jiā lè sī tè Bucharest, capital of Romania
洛伐克 sī luò fá kè Slovakia (officially, since 1993, the Slovak Republic)
本 lǐ sī běn Lisbon, capital of Portugal
史蒂文 shǐ dì wén sī Stephens; Stevens
拉夫 sī lā fū Slavic