this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

HSK 6 #168


斯 sī
  • Slovakia
  • Slovak
  • abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
  • (phonetic)
  • this


斯 stroke order diagram
斯 stroke order animation


吉普夸 jí pǔ sī kuā Gipuzkoa or Guipúzcoa, one of the seven Basque provinces in north Spain
吉尔吉 jí ěr jí sī Kyrgyz; Kyrgyzstan
吉爾吉 jí ěr jí sī Kyrgyz; Kyrgyzstan
吉尔吉人 jí ěr jí sī rén Kyrgyz (person)
吉爾吉人 jí ěr jí sī rén Kyrgyz (person)
吉尔吉坦 jí ěr jí sī tǎn Kyrgyzstan
吉爾吉坦 jí ěr jí sī tǎn Kyrgyzstan
吉爾吉坦 jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn Kyrgyzstan
吉尔吉族 jí ěr jí sī zú Kyrgyz ethnic group; also written 柯爾克孜族|柯尔克孜族[Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zu2]
吉爾吉族 jí ěr jí sī zú Kyrgyz ethnic group; also written 柯爾克孜族|柯尔克孜族[Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zu2]
吉里巴 jí lǐ bā sī Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands) (Tw)
吕塞尔海姆 lǚ sāi ěr sī hǎi mǔ Rüsselsheim, city in Germany
呂塞爾海姆 lǚ sāi ěr sī hǎi mǔ Rüsselsheim, city in Germany
哈伯玛 hā bó mǎ sī Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher
哈伯瑪 hā bó mǎ sī Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher
哈巴罗夫克 hā bā luó fū sī kè Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city and province on the border with Heilongjiang province of China
哈巴羅夫克 hā bā luó fū sī kè Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city and province on the border with Heilongjiang province of China
哈得 hā dé sī Hades
哈德 hā dé sī Hades
哈根達 hā gēn dá sī Häagen-Dazs
哈尔塔 hā ěr sī tǎ Harstad (city in Norway)
哈爾塔 hā ěr sī tǎ Harstad (city in Norway)
哈薩克坦 hā sà kè sī tǎn Kazakhstan
哈贝马 hā bèi mǎ sī Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher
哈貝馬 hā bèi mǎ sī Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher