this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

HSK 6 #168


斯 sī
  • Slovakia
  • Slovak
  • abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
  • (phonetic)
  • this


斯 stroke order diagram
斯 stroke order animation


伯恩茅 bó ēn máo sī Bournemouth, UK
克罗诺 kè luó nuò sī Cronus (Titan of Greek mythology)
克里普 kè lǐ pǔ sī Cripps (name); Sir Stafford Cripps (1889-1952), UK socialist politician
加的 jiā dì sī Cádiz, Spain
普鲁 bó sī pǔ lǔ sī Bosphorus
卡拉卡 kǎ lā kǎ sī Caracas, capital of Venezuela (Tw)
厄洛 è luò sī Eros (Cupid)
哈吉 hā jí sī haggis (a Scottish dish) (loanword)
乔布 qiáo bù sī Jobs (name); see also 史蒂夫·喬布斯|史蒂夫·乔布斯[Shi3 di4 fu1 · Qiao2 bu4 si1], Steve Jobs
布鲁克 yīn sī bù lǔ kè Innsbruck, city in Austria
基里巴 jī lǐ bā sī Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands)
纳 sāi sī nà Cessna (US aviation company)
塞万提 sāi wàn tí sī Cervantes; abbr. for 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉|米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉[Mi3 ge2 er3 · de2 · Sai1 wan4 ti2 si1 · Sa4 wei2 de2 la1]
曼帝国 ào sī màn dì guó the Ottoman Empire
瓦尔德 ào sī wǎ ěr dé Oswald
奥胡 ào hú sī Aarhus, city in Denmark
布雷特 bù léi sī tè Brest, westernmost town in France
布鲁特 bù lǔ tè sī Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
库尔克 kù ěr sī kè Kursk (city)
坦茨 kāng sī tǎn cí Konstanz (Germany)
彼拉提 bǐ lā tí sī Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw)
拉帕 lā pà sī La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia, usually written as 拉巴斯
哥特 sī gē tè Scott (name)
沃琪 sī wò qí Swatch (Swiss brand)
洛维尼亚 sī luò wéi ní yà Slovenia (Tw)