
literature, culture, writing

HSK 3 #148


  • literature, culture, writing
  • surname Wen
  • language
  • culture
  • writing
  • formal
  • literary
  • gentle
  • (old) classifier for coins
  • Kangxi radical 67


文 stroke order diagram
文 stroke order animation


档 wén dàng (computer) file
史蒂 shǐ dì wén Steven, Stephen (name)
拉丁 lā dīng wén Latin (language)
件夹 wén jiàn jiā folder; file (paper)
馆 tiān wén guǎn planetarium
盲 wén máng illiterate
达尔 dá ěr wén Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Species" 物種起源|物种起源[Wu3 zhong3 Qi3 yuan2]; Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory (Australia) 北領地|北领地[Bei3 Ling3 di4]
艺复兴 wén yì fù xīng the Renaissance
yuán wén original text
dé wén German (language)
gōng wén document
本 wén běn version; text
学家 tiān wén xué jiā astronomer
职 wén zhí civilian post (as opposed to military); civil service; administration
学 tiān wén xué astronomy
斯蒂 sī dì wén Steven (name); Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system to Europe
tiáo wén clause; explanatory section in a document
jīng wén scripture; scriptures; CL:本[ben3]
台 tiān wén tái observatory
象形字 xiàng xíng wén zì pictogram; hieroglyph
思 wén sī the train of thought in writing
案 wén àn (newspapers etc) copy; copywriter; (office etc) paperwork; (old) secretary; clerk
fēn wén a single penny; a single cent
史蒂斯 shǐ dì wén sī Stephens; Stevens
法 wén fǎ grammar