kill; die violent death


  • kill
  • die violent death
  • to die
  • to shoot dead
  • to reject
  • to fall forward
  • (suffix) to death
  • to collapse
  • variant of 斃|毙[bi4]
  • variant of 獙[bi4]


dǎo bì to fall dead
lēi bì to strangle or throttle to death
坐以待 zuò yǐ dài bì to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's fate
多行不義必自 duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì persisting in evil brings about self-destruction (idiom)
dài bì to await death; to be a sitting duck
jī bì to kill; to shoot dead
命 bì mìng to meet violent death; to get killed
bào bì to die suddenly
束手就 shù shǒu jiù bì hands tied and expecting the worst
束手待 shù shǒu dài bì to wait helplessly for death (idiom); to resign oneself to extinction
qiāng bì to execute by firing squad; to shoot dead; fig. to discard; to get rid of
kù bì (slang) awesome; cool; righteous
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