dūn duī tuán diāo dùn dào zhǔn tūn duì tún

esteem; honest, candid, sincere



敦 dūn
  • variant of 敦[dun1]
  • kindhearted
  • place name


敦 stroke order diagram
敦 stroke order animation


北安普 běi ān pǔ dūn Northampton, town in central England, county town of Northamptonshire 北安普敦郡[Bei3 an1 pu3 dun1 jun4]
南安普 nán ān pǔ dūn Southampton, town in south England
颐 zhōu dūn yí Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar
頤 zhōu dūn yí Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar
哀的美书 āi dì měi dūn shū ultimatum (loanword)
哀的美書 āi dì měi dūn shū ultimatum (loanword)
喬治 qiáo zhì dūn Georgetown
夏洛特 xià luò tè dūn Charlottetown, capital of Prince Edward Island, Canada
大伦地区 dà lún dūn dì qū Greater London; London region, England
大倫地區 dà lún dūn dì qū Greater London; London region, England
伦 dūn lún to strengthen moral ties between people; to have sexual intercourse (of a married couple)
倫 dūn lún to strengthen moral ties between people; to have sexual intercourse (of a married couple)
刻爾克 dūn kè ěr kè Dunkirk, port in northern France
化 dūn huà Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
化市 dūn huà shì Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
煌 dūn huáng Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
煌市 dūn huáng shì Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
煌石窟 dūn huáng shí kū Dunhuang caves in Gansu; refers to Mogao caves 莫高石窟[Mo4 gao1 shi2 ku1]
睦 dūn mù to promote friendly relations
豪快递 dūn háo kuài dì DHL
豪快遞 dūn háo kuài dì DHL
豪快递公司 dūn háo kuài dì gōng sī DHL
豪快遞公司 dūn háo kuài dì gōng sī DHL
wáng dūn Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of civil official Wang Dao 王導|王导, subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324
開普 kāi pǔ dūn Cape Town (city in South Africa)