enemy, foe, rival; resist

HSK 5 #523


敌 dí
  • enemy
  • to be a match for
  • to rival
  • to resist
  • to withstand


敌 stroke order diagram
敌 stroke order animation


宿 sù dí old enemy
寡不众 guǎ bù dí zhòng the few are no match for the many; heavily outnumbered; facing impossible odds (idiom)
duì dí to confront; to face the enemy
zhèng dí political enemy; opponent
sù dí old foe; long-standing enemy
占区 dí zhàn qū enemy occupied territory
营 dí yíng enemy camp
阵 dí zhèn the enemy ranks
当前 dà dí dāng qián facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud
畏 dí dí wèi dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword); also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP
yìng dí to face the enemy; to meet an attack
tóu dí to go over to the enemy; to defect
cán dí defeated enemy
上阵杀 shàng zhèn shā dí to go into battle; to strike at the enemy
bù dí no match for; cannot beat
人民公 rén mín gōng dí the enemy of the people; the class enemy (Marxism)
兵来将,水来土堰 bīng lái jiàng dí , shuǐ lái tǔ yàn counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action; to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation
qián dí front line (military)
为友 huà dí wéi yǒu to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)
同仇忾 tóng chóu dí kài anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary
shǒu dí enemy defense; enemy garrison
富可国 fù kě dí guó having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation (idiom); extremely wealthy
者 duì dí zhě rival
yuàn dí enemy; foe
怀意 huái dí yì hostile