
disperse, pay; support; branch

HSK 4 #437


支 zhī
  • surname Zhi
  • to support
  • to sustain
  • to erect
  • to raise
  • branch
  • division
  • to draw money
  • classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions


支 stroke order diagram
支 stroke order animation


差 zhī chāi to assign corvée duties (forced labor)
座 zhī zuò abutment
恐 zhī kǒng to support terrorism; abbr. for 支持恐怖主義|支持恐怖主义[zhi1 chi2 kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4]
应 zhī yìng to deal with; to wait on; to provide for
應 zhī yìng to deal with; to wait on; to provide for
承 zhī chéng to support; to bear the weight of (a building)
承销 zhī chéng xiāo fulcrum pin
承銷 zhī chéng xiāo fulcrum pin
招 zhī zhāo to give advice; to make a suggestion; to help out
持度 zhī chí dù degree of support; percentage of vote
撐 zhī chēng to prop up; to support; strut; brace
撑架 zhī chēng jià bracket
撐架 zhī chēng jià bracket
教 zhī jiào program bringing education to underdeveloped areas; to work in such a program
族 zhī zú subfamily
书 zhī shū branch secretary; secretary of a branch of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League; abbr. for 支部書記|支部书记
書 zhī shū branch secretary; secretary of a branch of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League; abbr. for 支部書記|支部书记
柱产业 zhī zhù chǎn yè mainstay industry
柱產業 zhī zhù chǎn yè mainstay industry
根 zhī gēn branching root; rootlet
氣管 zhī qì guǎn bronchial tube; bronchus
氣管炎 zhī qì guǎn yán bronchitis
系统 zhī xì tǒng subsystem
系統 zhī xì tǒng subsystem
線 zhī xiàn branch line; side road; spur; fig. secondary plot (in a story)