
grasp, take hold of; monopolize


  • grasp, take hold of
  • monopolize
  • to monopolize
  • to seize
  • to take into one's arms
  • to embrace
  • to fasten (with a rope etc)
  • to take on (responsibility etc)
  • to canvass


子 yī lǎn zi all-inclusive; undiscriminating
九天月 jiǔ tiān lǎn yuè to reach for the stars (idiom)
dōu lǎn to canvas (for customers); to solicit; to advertise; to drum up; sales pitch; to take on (a task)
bāo lǎn to monopolize; to take on responsibility over everything; to undertake the whole task
詞訟 bāo lǎn cí sòng to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chicanery
大包大 dà bāo dà lǎn to take complete charge (idiom)
yán lǎn to recruit talent; to round up; to enlist the services of sb
延聘招 yán pìn zhāo lǎn to enlist the services of sb
chéng lǎn to contract for an entire project
zhāo lǎn to attract (customers); to drum up (trade)
生意 zhāo lǎn shēng yi to advertise; to solicit business
招風火 zhāo fēng lǎn huǒ see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3]
轡澄清 lǎn pèi chéng qīng to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)
shōu lǎn to win the support of; to get over to one's side; to keep control of
dú lǎn to monopolize
市場 dú lǎn shì chǎng to monopolize a market
tǒng lǎn to be in overall charge; to have overall control
zǒng lǎn to assume full responsibility; to be in full control; to monopolize
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