
climb; pull; hang on to

HSK 6 #2439


  • climb
  • pull
  • hang on to
  • to climb (by pulling oneself up)
  • to implicate
  • to claim connections of higher status


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爬 pān pá to climb
親 pān qīn to seek to profit by family ties
亲道故 pān qīn dào gù to use claims to kinship or friendship to climb socially (idiom)
親道故 pān qīn dào gù to use claims to kinship or friendship to climb socially (idiom)
诬 pān wū to frame; to accuse unjustly
誣 pān wū to frame; to accuse unjustly
诬陷害 pān wū xiàn hài unjust accusation; miscarriage of justice
誣陷害 pān wū xiàn hài unjust accusation; miscarriage of justice
談 pān tán to chat
附权贵 pān fù quán guì to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social climbing
附權貴 pān fù quán guì to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social climbing
高结贵 pān gāo jié guì lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich (idiom); to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful; social climbing
高結貴 pān gāo jié guì lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich (idiom); to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful; social climbing
龙附凤 pān lóng fù fèng see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]
龍附鳳 pān lóng fù fèng see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]
白冠雀 bái guān pān què (bird species of China) white-crowned penduline tit (Remiz coronatus)
不上 gāo pān bù shàng to be unworthy to associate with (sb of higher social status)